Latest news from BEMA

Impressive Engineering Apprentices on countdown to Christmas

Impressive Engineering Apprentices on countdown to Christmas

As the Christmas break approaches, these apprentices will return to their respective companies, where they will apply their newly acquired knowledge until, they resume their studies at Swatpro Engineering at BEMA in January 25.

Celebrating Apprenticeships at BEMA

Celebrating Apprenticeships at BEMA

“A highlight in the calendar is the awards evening for the apprentices, employers, parents and staff giving recognition to the progress they have made towards their apprenticeship and career in engineering”.

Supporting Future Engineers

Supporting Future Engineers

BEMA is continuing to inspire future engineers, working with schools in the area. Throughout the year we promote apprenticeship opportunities at school fairs.

Engineering Apprenticeships Just Got Better!

Engineering Apprenticeships Just Got Better!

Engineering employers throughout the West Country have well-paid, worthwhile job vacancies – and now there’s an improved route to get into this exciting sector of the economy, with the help of Swatpro Academy and BEMA.

The next engineering generation

The next engineering generation

Right now, the British economy is short of tens of thousands of trained engineers and engineering apprenticeships not only tend to be better paid than other training positions, but also tend to lead to very worthwhile and secure careers.